Medoma raised €6M for introducing virtual wards for patient care at home

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Medoma raised €6M for introducing virtual wards for patient care at home
©  Medoma

Digital therapy startups and virtual healthcare services are on the rise, and now Medoma, a Swedish startup that has introduced ”virtual acute wards” in the Nordics, has just secured €6 million in seed funding. 

Existing investors Bonnier Ventures, Sven Hagströmer’s private company Biovestor and Gabriel Urwitz’s company AB Segulah participated in this investment round. Additionally, Nordic VC firm Inventure and media conglomerate Bonnier Group subsidiary Bonnier Ventures led the round.
Kry’s founders — Josefine Landgård and Johannes Schildt — were both previous backers of Medoma.

Medoma recently signed an agreement with the acute care hospital Capio S:t Görans. This agreement allows patients from Region Stockholm to utilize Medoma’s virtual acute beds.

The money received from the new investors will allow the care model to become a reality. This will also allow the company to invest in building a technological platform for acute care in the home.

How does Medoma work?

Stockholm-based Medoma was founded in 2021 by Henrik Bjartun, Johan Nordenstrom and Mikael Kastengren. The company digitizes acute care services.

Medoma offers patients the option to receive care at home through their virtual acute wards. This model has been successful in the United States due to recent outbreaks, and Medoma’s goal is to bring this tech-enabled home care model to Scandinavia, the Nordics and Europe. Their services include 24/7 medical surveillance by caretakers and medtech products.

Within a 30-minute drive from a hospital, patients of Medoma are digitally monitored by a dispatch center. When care is needed, one of the 16-person healthcare team from Medoma is notified based on the location. In response, plans are made to visit the patient at their home.

Johan Nordenström is the co-founder and CEO of the company. In a public statement, he expressed his gratitude for investors and shared vision for the company. As a result of this shared vision, Johan said that technology-driven acute care could be used as one answer to Sweden’s hospital crisis. One problem caused by this crisis is a shortage of hospital beds— something that needed immediate attention. With new funding, Johan announced he could grow his business and expand his team’s efforts to provide great care for patients in their homes.
Bonnier Ventures is proud to support Medoma’s mission to improve healthcare through its outstanding team, Sofia Hasselberg said. Bonnet Ventures is the name of the venture capital firm owned by Bonnier Group, which is a media conglomerate based in Sweden. Medoma helps patients that need inpatient care receive it at home rather than in a hospital ward. This method has already proven itself with both patients and healthcare workers in the United States, Hasselberg added.

Inventure partner Kevin Lösch added, “We’re proud to support Medoma as they work to transform the inefficient healthcare system. Their approach involves redefining the technology used for acute care outside of hospital wards. By focusing on the interface of this problem, Medoma is able to remove many burdens from hospitals.”


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