Redefining Retail: Exclusive Interview with Jarosław Kaczmarczyk, CEO of ZeroQs

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© Jaroslaw Kaczmarczyk, CEO ZeroQs

In today’s world, consumers increasingly value convenience and comfort during their shopping activities, placing emphasis not only on store location and variety of products but, most importantly, on saving time and having positive shopping experiences. On the other hand, from the perspective of retail chains, the growing number of customers brings a host of additional challenges. Long checkout lines that cause customer frustration and the need to hire extra staff, along with the associated costs, are just a few examples. Addressing these issues for both shoppers and stores is the Polish startup ZeroQs, developed by Jarosław Kaczmarczyk’s team.

Their intelligent shopping carts, already available in selected stores in Poland, allow customers to enjoy simple, pleasant, and, most importantly, quick visits to the store. Additionally, thanks to multifunctional technology, these carts eliminate the risk of theft and clients’ mistakes.


Questions from FoundersToday:

  1. You have been involved in the retial industry for several decades, as before founding your startup, you worked in a large manufacturing company. In light of your experiences and years in the market, how have consumer needs changed over time?

Jarosław Kaczmarczyk:  Consumer needs have evolved remarkably, especially over the past few years. We’ve observed a significant rise in expectations around convenience, speed, and personalized shopping experiences. Today’s consumers increasingly seek solutions that not only simplify their daily tasks but also seamlessly integrate with their lifestyles.

In my opinion technology plays a pivotal role in this evolution. Customers want complete control over their shopping journey, from easily finding products to smooth transactions and minimizing time spent waiting in lines. Our smart shopping carts are designed to meet these demands by combining advanced technology with intuitive usability, resulting in an enhanced shopping experience. Furthermore, the growing awareness of environmental issues and the need for transparency in purchasing processes have driven demand for solutions that are both functional and sustainable

  1. The goal of ZeroQs smart shopping carts is to transform the shopping experience so that a store visit is associated with something enjoyable and, above all, quick. Where did the idea for this technology come from, and how has it evolved over time?

Jarosław Kaczmarczyk:  The idea for smart shopping carts came from observing the everyday challenges faced by both customers and stores. I frequently witnessed customers’ frustration with long queues, difficulties in finding products, and the tedious process of manually scanning each item at the checkout. On the other hand, store owners were seeking ways to optimize processes and improve operational efficiency.

Initially, we explored various technologies that could streamline the shopping experience. Over time, we realized that the key was to integrate multiple functions into a single, user-friendly device – hence the concept of the smart cart was born. The first versions were relatively simple, but through the dedication of our team, extensive testing, and, most importantly, listening to user feedback, we were able to develop a product that truly meets the needs of consumers

  1. Your ZeroQs smart shopping carts are offered to retail establishments on a subscription model, correct? How long does the basic implementation and staff training take?

Jarosław Kaczmarczyk: Yes, that’s true – we offer our carts on a subscription basis because we believe it’s the ideal model, allowing retailers to invest in innovation without the need for high upfront costs. The duration of the basic implementation and staff training depends on the specifics of the store and the number of smart carts being deployed, but it typically takes between 3 to 10 days. This includes the installation of the carts, setting up promotional displays, and training the staff. The more time-consuming work, such as cart production and system integration, is completed beforehand

  1. How are traditional self-checkout machine manufacturers reacting to this? Your technology appears to be more effective, accessible, and functional for store owners.

Jarosław Kaczmarczyk:  Certainly, our technology does pose a challenge to traditional self-checkout systems, but I believe there’s room in the market for various solutions that can complement each other. Traditional self-checkout machines have their advantages, particularly in stores that are just beginning to automate and where investing in more advanced systems might initially be harder to justify.

However, our smart shopping cart technology offers several key benefits that make it more appealing to store owners. First and foremost, we integrate the entire shopping process – from scanning products to payment – without the need for queuing or passing through a checkout lane. This not only saves consumers time but also reduces operational costs for stores by eliminating the need to manage checkout spaces and staff.

Moreover, our carts are more mobile and can be used in a variety of store configurations, providing greater flexibility in arranging sales space. For store owners looking to stand out from the competition and offer modern, convenient solutions to their customers, our technology is undoubtedly more functional.

It’s worth noting that traditional self-checkout manufacturers are aware of these changes and are also working on innovations. I believe that in the future, we’ll see an increasing integration of different technologies to create cohesive and efficient shopping ecosystems. I’d also like to mention that we are currently implementing our solution in a store where self-checkout systems are already in place. We’ve managed to create an environment where customers have the choice, combining both technologies seamlessly.

  1. I’m curious, how do consumers in stores respond to your solution?

Jarosław Kaczmarczyk: Consumer reactions to our smart shopping carts have been overwhelmingly positive. Many customers express relief at being able to avoid checkout lines and appreciate the convenience our technology offers. The intuitive design of our carts means that even those less familiar with modern technology quickly adapt to using them. We’ve also introduced in-store assistants at the launch of the carts to guide, educate, and instruct customers on how to use them, which has significantly increased interest.

One of the most frequently mentioned benefits is the time savings. Consumers value the ability to move freely around the store, scanning products in real-time and immediately seeing their total cost without needing to unload their items at the checkout. This feature is especially important for those who prioritize speed and efficiency in their daily shopping.

Of course, as with any new technology, there are initial concerns or hesitations, particularly when customers encounter our solution for the first time. However, we’ve noticed that after a short period, users begin to see the advantages and are eager to use the carts on future visits.

Additionally, positive feedback and recommendations from satisfied customers have a significant impact on increasing the acceptance of our technology. We’ve found that customers who try our carts once often return and recommend them to others, which is the best proof that our technology meets market expectations.

  1. Let’s return to the technology itself for a moment. At what stage of development are you currently, and what are your plans for the coming months in this regard?

Jarosław Kaczmarczyk:  Our solutions have already been implemented in several locations, where we’re gathering valuable data and feedback from both users and store owners. This information allows us to continually refine the product and introduce improvements that better meet market needs.

Our goal for the coming months is to further optimize the functionality of our carts, making them even more intuitive and adaptable to a variety of shopping scenarios. We’re also working on developing additional features that will appeal to both customers and retailers.

We plan to expand our partnerships with retail chains both domestically and internationally, enabling us to deploy our carts in a greater number of stores. Ensuring the scalability of our solution will be crucial in this context, so it can be easily adapted to different store formats, from small local shops to large hypermarkets.

Another step will be integrating with other systems used in retail, such as loyalty programs and e-commerce platforms, which will allow for even greater personalization and shopping convenience. We’re also considering the implementation of new features that will further enhance the shopping experience.

  1. I look forward to catching up again in the future. To set the stage for our next conversation, could you share where you envision ZeroQs a year from now and the results you aim to achieve by then?

Jarosław Kaczmarczyk:  Over the next year, I envision ZeroQs solidifying its position as a leading player in the retail solutions market in Poland and Europe. Our ambition is to make our smart shopping carts a standard feature in a growing number of stores, providing customers with an unparalleled level of convenience and innovation.

In terms of specific goals, we aim to significantly expand the number of implementations across various retail chains and forge strategic partnerships that will drive our continued growth. We’re also focused on advancing our technological solutions, making them even more sophisticated while ensuring they remain accessible and intuitive for a broad user base.


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