Respawn: Gamelab takes over the assets of Rudy Games

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Respawn: Gamelab takes over the assets of Rudy Games
©  Gamelab

While last December the Upper Austrian startup Rudy Games was still “game over”, Gamelab is now relaunching with an adapted business model, new investors and female power.

Following the insolvency of Rudy Games GmbH, the liquidator sought to sell the assets (games, apps, licenses, etc.). In close coordination with the liquidator, the former CEO Manfred Lamplmair held numerous talks with interested buyers. In the course of the talks, a group around the former founding and investor team emerged as the best bidder. In April, Gamelab GmbH was finally founded and the assets of Rudy Games GmbH were brought in. “Of course, insolvency is a particularly difficult situation, so I am all the more pleased that the community, the idea and the Rudy Games brand have found a new home in Gamelab,” says Manfred Lamplmair with relief.


Success with Gamification

Although the newly founded Gamelab will continue the games of the Rudy Games brand, the focus will be on the implementation of gamification projects for companies. Along with AI, gamification is one of the big trend topics in the next few years and we are already encountering it in many areas. For example, in the form of discount collectors in customer loyalty programs, for motivation in apps, at trade fairs for customer acquisition or very strongly in the training sector. With SK Rapid Wien and the Red Cross, Gamelab has already won its first well-known customers.

Women power in the Games Industry

Carina Schmiedseder was appointed as Managing Director. The Upper Austrian has both online marketing expertise and, as the former founder of “Offisy – Die kostenlose Registrierkassa” (The free cash register), brings with her corresponding startup experience. Carina Schmiedseder on her new task: “I got to know and love Rudy Games and Manfred Lamplmair’s team years ago at a tech2b event. Since I myself enjoy playing games with my family and friends, I am particularly pleased to continue the “Rudy Games” brand”. Gertrude Kurzmann, who co-founded Rudy Games, is also part of the team.

Known and new Investors on board

With Dominik Greiner (Camouflage Ventures) and Heinrich Prokop, the investors of the former Rudy Games GmbH continue to believe in the business idea and the team. The board is strengthened with Gerald Novak (DonkeyCat), Johannes Siller (MapCon) and Bernhard-Stefan Müller (Sii Ventures). In addition to the required start-up capital, the investors primarily contribute their know-how and network to the newly founded Gamelab.
“I have always loved board games and have long since found it schae thatgefühlt less is played. So rethinking board games, supporting them with digital apps and reinterpreting classic games quickly fell on open ears. The new team combines the creative and absolutely necessary game design knowledge with digital skills, which enabled us to put together a perfect mix. We are convinced that we will have great success in the new setting with an already insanely charming theme,” says investor Bernhard-Stefan Müller.


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