Enerpoly from Sweden secures $8.4M for World’s First 100 MWh Zinc-Ion Battery Megafactory

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Enerpoly from Sweden secures $8.4M for World's First 100 MWh Zinc-Ion Battery Megafactory
©   Enerpoly

Enerpoly, a trailblazing Swedish startup, has raised $8.4 million to build the world’s first megafactory for zinc-ion batteries, marking a significant milestone in the global shift towards sustainable energy solutions.

Enerpoly’s journey in revolutionizing battery technology began with a $600K grant and has now culminated in an $8.4 million grant from the Swedish Energy Agency. This funding will be instrumental in establishing the Enerpoly Production Innovation Center (EPIC), set to have a final capacity throughput of 100 MWh annually. EPIC is poised to reshape the stationary energy storage industry by demonstrating the mass production feasibility of zinc-ion batteries at scale.


The Need for Sustainable Battery Solutions

With the intensifying global demand for batteries, the industry urgently requires the development and adoption of more sustainable and innovative solutions. The zinc-ion batteries from the startup offer an effective alternative to the more ubiquitous lithium-ion technology, particularly in supplementing renewable energy generation. These batteries are affordable, sustainable, and rely on a resilient supply chain, making them a viable solution for Europe’s rapidly scaling battery technology needs.

The Visionaries Behind Enerpoly

The company was co-founded in 2018 in Stockholm by Mylad Chamoun and Samer Nameer. Their patented zinc-ion battery technology utilizes globally available, cost-effective, and recyclable raw materials like zinc and manganese, sourced primarily from Europe. This approach not only ensures affordability but also contributes to the circular economy.

Impact of the Megafactory

The establishment of EPIC is a major step for Enerpoly and battery technology globally. As Mylad Chamoun, Co-founder and CTO of Enerpoly, states, “Our EPIC zinc-ion plant will showcase how this technology is scalable and can enable the large-scale adoption of renewable energy.” This initiative is backed by partners like the Swedish Energy Agency, cementing Sweden’s position at the forefront of the critical energy transition.

A Sustainable Future with Zinc-Ion Batteries

The technology by Enerpoly are set to play a crucial role in meeting Europe’s need for sustainable battery technologies. Their development and mass production are expected to reduce carbon emissions in energy storage, strengthen European competitiveness, and diversify the battery supply chain.

Leading the Charge in Clean Energy

The funding and the construction of the world’s first megafactory for zinc-ion batteries mark a pivotal moment in the clean energy sector. This innovative approach by the startup is set to unlock new possibilities in energy storage, paving the way for a more sustainable and efficient future.


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