The Power of Networking at the World Venture Forum: A Founder’s Journey in Building Meaningful Connections

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© FoundersToday / Verena Wahlandt

As autumn settles in, I can’t help but already reflect on the highlights of my year in business. There were many memorable moments, but one that truly stands out is my experience at this year’s edition of the World Venture Forum in Kitzbühel.

For anyone in the Austrian startup, investment, or venture capital scene, this is one of those events that you shouldn’t miss. But it’s not just about attending, it’s about what you take from it, and this year, I’ve decided to share some of my experiences with you.

Allow me to clarify upfront: this review is entirely independent. Having attended the World Venture forum multiple times and securing my VIP pass as an early bird last year, my reflections here are purely personal and free from external influence. Though my former background is in journalism, this piece is penned from my own personal perspective. For context, I’m a marketing and PR professional, founder of a communication consulting boutique starboard communications dedicated to elevating the visibility of startups and scaleups. 


Kitzbühel: Yes, you can do business in the Austrian Alps

Now, if you’ve never been to Kitzbühel, let me set the scene for you. Picture a town nestled in the Austrian Alps, with charming chalets, cobblestone streets, and breathtaking views everywhere you look. Kitzbühel is famous for its skiing in winter, but in the summer, it transforms into a hub for entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators, all coming together for a week of inspiration, learning, and, of course, networking.

Nestled in the breathtaking Austrian Alps, the World Venture Forum in Kitzbühel has blossomed from a modest gathering of like-minded individuals keen on investing in startups and scouting for promising deals and business opportunities into a cornerstone event in the Austrian venture capital ecosystem. What began as an intimate meetup of investors, business angels, and enthusiasts has, over the past decade, transformed into the ambitiously named World Venture Forum. While the title might seem a touch grandiose for what remains primarily an Austrian event, it’s not without merit, considering Kitzbühel’s flair for high-end tourism and world-class events.

I was happy to attend the 10th edition of the World Venture Forum in the first week of July. The Forum itself spans an entire week, overlapping slightly with the Business Angel Summit on Thursday and Friday, giving attendees ample time for personal interactions and relationship-building.

Where the Real Magic Happens

The World Venture Forum gives you an entire week full of networking opportunities, with each day dedicated to a different theme with panel talks and private gatherings in various locations around Kitzbühel, including venues on actual mountain huts. Themes such as deep tech, impact investing, crypto, and family offices have been covered, offering attendees the chance to dive deep into the topics that matter most to them. But here’s the thing: while the formal sessions are packed with valuable insights, the real magic happens during those in-between moments. It’s the coffee breaks, the dinners, the spontaneous chats during a hike up the mountains where connections are truly formed.

Networking Done Right

That’s what I love about networking at the World Venture Forum. It’s not about making 100 quick introductions or exchanging business cards in a rush. It’s about finding those few key conversations where you can really connect with someone — share ideas, explore possibilities, and maybe even spark a future collaboration. There’s an old Austrian saying, “übers Reden kommen die Leute zam,” which simply means “talking brings people together.” It’s such a simple truth, but it captures what makes networking so powerful. When you take the time to really talk to each other, you start to build something that lasts.

Finding Balance: The Extroverted Introvert’s Guide to Networking

Of course, if you’re anything like me, someone who enjoys socializing but also needs a bit of time to recharge her social batteries, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the constant buzz of networking. Believe me, as an extroverted introvert, I totally get it. I love hearing people’s stories and engaging in deep conversations, but I also need moments to step back, reflect, and process everything.

That’s another reason why I appreciate the World Venture Forum so much. It doesn’t require you to be “on” all the time. The atmosphere is laid-back, friendly, and flexible. You can connect with people at your own pace and still walk away with relationships that feel genuine and meaningful. And if you need a break from everything, just spend some time exploring the gorgeous mountain scenery around Kitzbühel.

Taking Your Networking to the Next Level

But now, enough with romanticizing this alpine getaway, because I still have some insights to share with you. I’d like to encourage you to take your networking game to the next level, especially if you are a founder or if you are looking to expand your business.

So, how do you make the most out of networking at events like the World Venture Forum? Here are a few tips I’ve gathered over the years, based on what’s worked for me:

Be Genuinely Curious

Networking isn’t just about meeting as many people as possible. It’s about learning from others. Ask questions, listen to their stories, and find common ground. People appreciate it when you show real interest in them beyond just their professional titles.

Quality Over Quantity

It’s easy to get caught up in the rush of trying to meet everyone, but I’ve found it’s more valuable to focus on a few meaningful conversations. Take the time to really engage with the people you click with. Those relationships tend to be far more rewarding in the long run.

Recharge When You Need To

If you’re someone who needs a break from constant socializing, plan for it. Step outside, take in the mountain air, or find a quiet corner to regroup. It’s important to pace yourself and make sure you’re in the right mindset when it’s time to engage again.

Follow Up

This is key. After the event, take the time to follow up with the people you connected with. A quick thank-you email, a suggestion for a follow-up conversation, or even a coffee meeting can go a long way in building a lasting relationship.

The Takeaway: Relationships That Last

Every time I attend the World Venture Forum, I leave with new insights, new connections, and a renewed sense of purpose. It’s a reminder that networking isn’t just about expanding your contact list—it’s about forming real, lasting relationships that can open doors, spark new ideas, and support you throughout your business journey.

And that’s the thing: you don’t have to be the most outgoing person in the room to make it work for you. You just need to show up, be open, and let the conversations flow. The World Venture Forum is a testament to the power of these connections. The magic happens when you take the time to really engage with others, and every year, I come away with something that makes the journey worthwhile.

So, Will I See You next year?

So, whether you’re planning to attend next year’s forum in Kitzbühel or diving into any number of networking opportunities this season, I encourage you to take a leap. Trust me, the rewards of building meaningful connections will follow you long after the event ends.

And who knows? Maybe we’ll find ourselves in one of those mountain lodges next year, sharing a conversation that could lead to something even bigger.

Hugs and Cheers,


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